LEC 2019 Spring Playoffs Player Statistics

GPGames played
AGTAverage game time
W%Win percentage
AGLAverage game length
G LenAverage game length
P%Percentage of games champion was picked in the given role
B%Percentage of games in which the champion was banned (not role-specific)
P+B%Percentage of games in which the champion was either picked or banned (not role-specific)
KTotal kills
DTotal deaths
ATotal assists
KPGKills per game
DPGDeaths per game
APGAssists per game
Team KPGKills per game
Team DPGDeaths per game
KDATotal kill/death/assist ratio
K:DKill-to-death ratio
CKPMCombined kills per minute (team kills + opposing team kills)
XPD@10Average experience difference at 10 minutes
XPD10Average experience difference at 10 minutes
GD@10Average gold difference at 10 minutes
GD@15Average gold difference at 15 minutes
GD10Average gold difference at 10 minutes
GD15Average gold difference at 15 minutes
Team GD@15Average team gold difference at 15 minutes
GPRGold Percent Rating: Average amount of the game's total gold held, centered around 50% and multiplied by 100 (e.g. +1.00 represents 51.00%)
GSPDAverage gold spent percentage difference
EGREarly-Game Rating
MLRMid/Late Rating
TWLProportion of time spent with a gold lead (holding more than 52% of the gold in the game). Developed by league-analytics.com.
TWDProportion of time spent with a gold deficit (holding less than 48% of the gold in the game). Developed by league-analytics.com.
FBP%First Blood participation rate (FB kills+assists / games played)
FBPFirst Blood participation rate (FB kills+assists / games played)
FBD%First Blood death rate (FB deaths / games played)
K+A@15Average kills+assists at 15 minutes
K@15Average kills at 15 minutes
A@15Average assists at 15 minutes
D@15Average deaths at 15 minutes
FB%First Blood rate (for players, includes both kills and assists)
FD%First dragon rate
FT%First tower rate
F3T%First to kill three towers rate
HLD%Percentage of games in which the team acquired Rift Herald
FBN%First Baron rate
BN%Baron control rate
FT TimeAverage first tower kill time
FTTAverage first tower kill time
DrPGDragons killed per game
DRG%Dragon control rate (if ELD% is also reported, this only reflects elemental drakes
ELD%Elder dragon control rate
TPGTowers killed per game
KPKill participation
aKPAverage kill participation
D%Share of team's deaths
DTH%Share of team's deaths
CSD@10Average creep score difference at 10 minutes
CSD10Average creep score difference at 10 minutes
CSPMAverage monsters + minions killed per minute
CS%P15Average share of team's post-15-minute minion and monster kills
DPMAverage damage to champions per minute
Team DPMAverage team damage to champions per minute
Team DTPMAverage team-wide damage taken from champions per minute
DTPMAverage damage taken from champions per minute
DPDAverage damage to champions percentage difference
Dmg%Average share of team's total damage to champions
EGPMAverage earned gold per minute (excludes starting gold and inherent gold generation)
Gold%Average share of team's total gold earned (excludes starting gold and inherent gold generation)
Gold% Post-15Average share of team's gold earned post-15 minutes (excludes starting gold and inherent gold generation)
LNE%Lane control: average share of game's total lane CS
JNG%Jungle control: average share of game's total jungle CS
WPMAverage wards placed per minute
CWPMAverage control wards purchased per minute
WCPMAverage wards cleared per minute
WC%Average percentage of opponent wards cleared
VWCAverage percentage of opponent visible wards cleared
IWCAverage percentage of opponent invisible wards cleared
CS% Post-15Average share of team's creep score after 15 minutes
Minion% Post-15Average share of team's minion kills after 15 minutes
Monster% Post-15Average share of team's monster kills after 15 minutes

CapsG2 EsportsMiddle5100%229346.265.9%19.6%40%-155-198-5.08.724.4%52525.2%310.524.4%0.350.26
CapsG2 EsportsSupport1100%601117.070.8%0.0%0%-638-821-
CrownshotSK GamingADC425%1814132.268.9%22.6%25%-295-228-2.59.731.7%57631.3%320.530.2%0.390.46
DreamsSK GamingSupport425%318311.975.6%29.0%25%-109-1275.01.75.8%1196.2%103.99.6%1.370.27
JankosG2 EsportsADC1100%32138.066.7%28.6%0%45197368.08.322.9%36618.6%294.419.8%0.360.24
JankosG2 EsportsJungle5100%910394.856.5%21.7%40%332251.45.114.1%28615.0%206.216.2%1.000.56
MikyxG2 EsportsJungle1100%022010.083.3%28.6%100%-1,017-1,311-
MikyxG2 EsportsSupport5100%413574.771.8%28.3%60%120-391.61.76.0%1648.0%136.710.7%1.590.32
PerkzG2 EsportsADC5100%2242912.860.0%8.7%40%-18413-9.28.831.0%52225.4%320.325.1%0.500.32
PerkzG2 EsportsMiddle1100%801018.075.0%0.0%100%53031214.011.036.1%51626.3%410.027.6%0.440.20
PireanSK GamingMiddle425%58243.664.4%12.9%0%-112-99-
SelfmadeSK GamingJungle425%912202.464.4%19.4%0%3984019.35.314.6%23614.5%184.317.4%0.670.38
WerlybSK GamingTop425%1010152.555.6%16.1%0%-298-224-11.07.324.1%41222.8%226.721.3%0.430.18
WunderG2 EsportsTop6100%3513274.856.9%24.5%50%400299.28.525.4%54027.0%312.223.9%0.410.10
For a full list of abbreviations and explanations, check the Definitions page.
Last Updated: April 17, 2019 12:03 pm

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