Tag Archives: Perkz

DAWNBRINGER: Worlds Daily, October 15

Welcome to Dawnbringer, your daily recap of the 2021 League of Legends World Championship.

Every day of Worlds competition, I’ll post a brief rundown of each game, along with some larger takeaways about the team and player performances we’re seeing and what it might mean for the rest of the tournament.

For live updates, make sure to follow me on Twitter!

Game Recaps

FPX vs DK: DK win
FPX Gragas Lee Sin Irelia Jhin Braum
DK Jayce Poppy Twisted Fate Miss Fortune Leona

Khan bullies top. Doinb farms v. well. DK kill Nuguri repeatedly, but FPX get HLDs, trade turrets. DK 5-1 dragon fight off great Canyon control. DK Baron into end. Continue reading DAWNBRINGER: Worlds Daily, October 15

DAWNBRINGER: Worlds Daily, October 12

Welcome to Dawnbringer, your daily recap of the 2021 League of Legends World Championship.

Every day of Worlds competition, I’ll post a brief rundown of each game, along with some larger takeaways about the team and player performances we’re seeing and what it might mean for the rest of the tournament.

For live updates, make sure to follow me on Twitter!

Game Recaps

T1 vs EDG: EDG win
T1 Jayce Xin Zhao Twisted Fate Ziggs Shen
EDG Graves Jarvan IV Sylas Jhin Leona

Meiko Jiejie great timing on pro+reactive plays into top. T1’s win condition is totally stifled. T1 rush Baron, get it but lose fight. EDG get soul+Baron2, that’s it. Continue reading DAWNBRINGER: Worlds Daily, October 12

DAWNBRINGER: Worlds Daily, October 5

Welcome to Dawnbringer, your daily recap of the 2021 League of Legends World Championship from the bleary eyes and chilled fingers of a ever-more-rapidly-approaching-middle-aged man in the Godforsaken Pacific time zone. Yes, my alarm was set for 3:35 AM today. Thank you for asking.

Every day of Worlds competition, I’ll post a brief rundown of each game, along with some larger takeaways about the team and player performances we’re seeing and what it might mean for the rest of the tournament.

For live updates, make sure to follow me on Twitter!

Game Recaps

HLE vs LNG: LNG win
HLE Irelia Sejuani Tryndamere Ezreal Karma
LNG Jax Qiyana Gragas Miss Fortune Rakan

Tarzan FB gank, but HLE farm out early, maintain vision, get neutrals. HLE play too slow; LNG punish their pushes with combos on frontline, fights -> Barons.

INF vs RED: RED win
INF Kennen Jarvan IV Sylas Lucian Nami
RED Camille Lillia Sett Miss Fortune Leona Continue reading DAWNBRINGER: Worlds Daily, October 5